3/20 Success Tip: Tactical Hiding

Productivity Ninja, Graham Allcott shares tips to be more productive. Quality thinking is an underrated and essential part of work. The best ideas often emerge from headspace rather than desk time, and we should unapologetically prioritize quality thinking time.

To allow for quality thinking, we must create space for it, which is what Tactical Hiding entails. It refers to the practice of removing yourself from your usual environment in order to work on important tasks without distractions.

Finding a quiet corner of the house, going to a coffee shop or even going on a walk. The goal is to create a physical and mental environment in which you can concentrate on your work without interruptions, notifications, or other distractions.

Tactical Hiding lets you focus more deeply and achieve a state of “flow,” in which you are completely immersed in your work and highly productive. It also allows you to prioritize your most important tasks rather than simply responding to the latest email or request that comes your way.

For more tips and inspiration go to: https://www.lifehack.org/946261/graham-allcott-the-lifehack-show