4/3 Our Spring/Summer Line is Available Now!

In stock and ready to ship! Our 2023 Spring/Summer line evokes the joy and refresh of the season packed with lots of color, florals and homespun style! Even more new items, new dough bowl candle scents and more! Spring into looks that coordinate to make selections and decorating easy.

Flipbook Link:  FlipBook

What to do now:

  1. Let your customer know! Post in your VIP page and all open events. Share at all in person events you are having this week.
  2. Message customers that you know would love this line.
  3. Share the corporate reveal.
  4. Feature your faves! Incorporate some new looks in your in-person and virtual presentations and events!
  5. Find out who would like to see the new catalog. Message them the flipbook link.

4/3 Spring/Summer Catalogs In Stock

The 2023 Spring/Summer Idea Book pre-orders have shipped and you will see tracking on your order!

Haven’t ordered yet? Order item #ZZ4423. $6 per package of 5.

To order supplies log into the website (your partylink, website link or signaturehomestyles.com) and search item# ZZ4423.

4/3 Success Tip: Be Agile

The ability to adapt quickly and effectively to changing circumstances, priorities, and demands is referred to as agility. In today’s rapidly changing world, it’s essential to be adaptable, responsive, and able to pivot as needed.

One of the most important aspects of being agile is to schedule regular time for reflection, review, and planning. This could include reviewing your to-do list and calendar on a daily or weekly basis or conducting a more strategic review of your goals and priorities every quarter or year. You can identify areas where you need to be more flexible or change your approach by reviewing and assessing your progress on a regular basis.

For more tips and inspiration go to: https://www.lifehack.org/946261/graham-allcott-the-lifehack-show