Exciting Update! Outlet Sales Now Fully Commissionable

You asked for it….we listen! Outlet sales are now fully commissionable!

Effective May 3, 2023, outlet sales count at full value for commission and for Host benefits. Hosts can also apply Host rewards to Outlet items. Host rewards are applied at the regular price.

You can find Outlet online on Sale & Clearance > Outlet.

Business Building Ideas

Need some ideas for new ways to market and build your business? Here it is! We’ve created a list of ways you can grow your business including in person, virtual and other opportunities. When you are intentional and looking for opportunities you will find them!

Business Building Ideas (PDF)

Success Tip: Self Awareness Leads to Personal Growth

If you aspire for personal growth, then you have to focus on yourself. In this series we will focus on five areas of personal growth and how to improve them.

  1. Self-Awareness

Self awareness could be as simple as getting in touch with, and then understanding your thoughts and feelings. For some, it might mean connecting with your innermost beliefs and values and then living a life that is congruent with those values.

For people focused more on professional development, self awareness is understanding their strengths, weaknesses, personality types, and leadership styles.

Most of the time, people operate the journey of their lives on autopilot. Over the years, you have programmed yourself to react rather than respond. The strategies that you have adopted in the past have become your default settings.

Self-awareness will help you recognize these knee-jerk reactions and question them in the context of who you are now. Adjust to respond in a positive manner that moves you toward your values and goals in life.

For more tips and inspiration go to: https://www.lifehack.org/914899/areas-for-personal-growth