BB411: New Avenue of Business! Servicing 55+ Communities with Diana Miller

Watch Business Building 411 this week with Home Office for all the May offers and how you can use them to grow your business.

As a reminder, Business Building 411 takes place every Tuesday on the Signature Connections Facebook page. Watch live or watch the replay.

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Trends@2! Create your Outdoor Retreat

Every week we share our products with the world! Join us this week to see inspiration and ideas for creating an outdoor retreat. Extend your living space into the outdoors and make the most of the warmer months!

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Success Tip: Self Awareness Leads to Personal Growth

If you aspire for personal growth, then you have to focus on yourself. In this series we will focus on five areas of personal growth and how to improve them.

  1. Self-Awareness (see last week’s tip)\
  2. Self-Control

One thing we humans love is control—to be in control. Or, at least, we love the idea of being in control. We tend to link control with safety. This is completely understandable, and it’s an example of the logical cognitive brain in action: “If I am in control I can protect myself and I will be safe.”

The fact is we spend too much of our time worrying about external factors, other people and future potential. The important thing is what we focus on. What is it we want to be in control of? What are we in control of?

There is only one answer. The answer is yourself. Nothing more, nothing less. Of course, external factors are important in our lives, but what’s most important is how we respond to them, how we perceive them, and how much power we give to them. All this important work is done inside.

Focus on how you respond to external events and people. Respond in a positive manner. Do not let other people or events control your life. You are in control of you.

Empower yourself and focus on your thoughts, your beliefs, your values and your actions.

For more tips and inspiration go to: